Student Code of Conduct

Terra State Community College expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution and to assume responsibility for their actions; to observe national, state, and local laws and College regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges and property of other people.

A student assumes the personal responsibility for upholding standards imposed by Terra State Community College relevant to its missions, processes and functions. Examples of these standards include academic integrity, personal honesty, tolerance, respect for diversity, civility, and freedom from violence.

Terra State views the student conduct process as a learning experience which can result in growth, behavioral changes, and personal understanding of one's responsibilities and privileges within the College environment. To this end, the student conduct process attempts to balance an understanding and knowledge of students and their needs and rights with the needs and expectations of the College and larger community. Students are treated with care, fairness, tolerance and respect with decisions made relative to the needs and circumstances of all concerned.

View Student Code of Conduct