Associate Degree

Health Care Administration Degree (AAS)

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Health Care Administration Degree (AAS)

Health Care Administration Degree

The Health Care Administration Degree provides a solid values-driven foundation of knowledge regarding the healthcare industry combined with the discipline to apply that knowledge in a professionally competent manner to advance the health of the local community. Emphasis is placed on building strong communication skills and organizational competence that highlight the effective health care manager. This degree is designed to prepare students to continue their education into a bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration while meeting the industry’s desire for professionally educated individuals prepared in a career-oriented associate degree program.

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By The 

 Based on data for medical and health services managers


Learning Outcomes

  • Practice workplace aptitude through demonstration of resource management (fiscal, human and physical), planning and leadership skills and legal and ethical decision-making.
  • Display interpersonal communication skills required for successful performance in the health care environment.
  • Apply computer technology to systems in health care operations, presentation technology and other communication, planning, analysis and quality applications.

Potential Occupations

  • Nursing home administrators
  • Clinical managers
  • Health information managers
Michelle Monreal

Earns a position at Bellevue Hospital in ER and Outpatient Registration with help from Terra State's Career Services

Michelle MonrealHealthcare Administration, '16
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