College Credit Plus at Terra State is a free program for students and their families
but there are some guidelines you need to be aware of before participating.
Who is eligible to participate?
College Credit Plus is open to 7th through 12th grade students who attend public,
community, private, and home school high schools. Students must be Ohio residents
and meet the prerequisites and co-prerequisites for courses in which they plan to
enroll. Course prerequisites can be found in the college catalog. College Credit Plus prohibits students from enrolling in a remedial or developmental
education course.
College Credit Plus Rules & Regulations
Students can enroll in no more than 30 college credit hours per academic year. Students
will work in collaboration with their high school guidance counselor and College Credit
Plus Advisor to determine what is an appropriate course load
Students are placed in English and math courses based on the results of the placement
assessment or their ACT scores
Students are not allowed to enroll in remedial or developmental education courses
It is the responsibility of the student to have their college schedule approved by
their high school guidance counselor
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure their high school graduation
requirements are met
Students are not guaranteed course availability
Students must meet all course co-requisites and/or prerequisites to enroll in a college
course and
Students are not allowed to enroll in non-credit or summer courses under the College
Credit Program, but may do so at their own expense
*Non-Allowable Course Rule: Students are now prohibited from taking certain classes.
One-on-one private instruction courses
Physical education courses
Remedial courses and sectarian religion courses
For complete information on all of the State of Ohio College Credit Plus rule changes
and general information please visit the Ohio Higher Education website.
What else do I need to know?
The student must turn in all updated paperwork to local school and Terra Sate annually.
Not complying may forfeit eligibility for the school year.
Some courses at Terra State Community College address subject matter that requires
adult levels of maturity. College Credit Plus students are college students and must
complete all required coursework as well as adhere to course requirements - such as
attendance, meeting deadlines, and professional behavior in class.
Students should be aware that grades received through CCP will become part of their
high school transcript and college transcripts, affecting their respective grade point
averages (GPAs). A permanent college transcript is initiated with your CCP participation
and your grades follow you for life. Low grades may negatively impact potential college
admissions and future financial aid opportunities.
It is the responsibility of the student to schedule his/her classes each semester
at the College through the College Credit Plus Advisor. Only speaking with your high
school staff will not guarantee your enrollment.
Students are expected to be in classes when the College is holding classes, regardless
of the student's high school schedule. This includes weather delays or cancellations.
Students who drop after the no-default drop out date (14 days after the start of a
class) or earn an "F" in a college course may be required to pay for classes, books,
and associated fees for course. This determination will be made by the high school.
Academic information cannot be released or discussed by Terra State Community faculty
or staff to parents or guardians without the written consent of the student.
Students are required to maintain a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of
2.0. Students who do not meet this requirement may be placed on probation for one
semester and dismissed from the program after two consecutive semesters of a cumulative
grade point average of less than 2.0. If a student is dismissed from the program,
they may petition for re-admission after sitting out for one semester.
Students who receive a grade of "I" (incomplete) have until the sixth week of the
following semester to complete the coursework.
Students are responsible for and expected to regularly communicate any issues, problems,
or concerns with their Terra State CCP Advisor.
Frequently Asked Questions about CCP at Terra State
What are the Advantages of CCP?
Earn FREE college credit which saves thousands of dollars in tuition and reduced time
in earning a college degree!
Could potentially earn a college degree in high school.
Experience college-level work with additional layers of support; both high school
and college support personnel.
Students who participate in college access programs are proven to be more successful
in college after high school.
What are the advantages of being a Terra State student?
Small class size. Average class size is 15 students with opportunity for individual
attention. Terra has over 850 high school students enrolled each semester. Professors
understand the needs of CCP students.
Resources available to regular Terra State students are also available to CCP students
Academic Service Center, Tutoring services (face-to-face or online), Math and Writing
labs, Terra’s computer labs, Counseling services, Library, Access to Student Activity
Center (recreation area, fitness loft and sports.)
What are my First Steps?
Attend CCP information session at Terra State or high school
Complete CCP Letter of Intent and return to your local school
Terra State will notify you when you are accepted. Then you will need to contact our
office to complete the following:
Schedule appointment for placement test, or submit ACT scores if taken in the past
three years
Schedule appointment with CCP Advisor to select classes
Attend CCP Orientation Session
Obtain a Student ID (can be completed in the Admissions Office)
How much are books and is there transportation to/from Terra State?
Books are FREE! Books are borrowed based on your high school’s procedures.
No transportation is provided. Students and their parents/guardians are responsible
for the commute
Is there a limit to the number of classes I can take at Terra State?
Yes, this is determined by conversations with your high school guidance counselor
and Terra State advisor.
Does the Terra State schedule follow my high school schedule? What if my high school
has a delay?
No, Terra State’s academic calendar is different. If your high school has a delay or closing, you will need to check
my.terra to see if your class is canceled. If you miss your Terra State class, you
will be marked absent. It’s your responsibility to communicate with your professor(s).
Use caution when driving!
What college classes can I take?
You are eligible to take any course from Terra State’s catalog provided you meet the
prerequisite requirements. Private lessons are excluded from State of Ohio funding.
The purpose of CCP is to prepare you for your future. This is your opportunity to
start college now, for FREE! Students may take day, evening, weekend, online, and
summer classes.
What is the suggested pathway at Terra State?
The suggested pathway is 6 - 12 – 12 credits in three semesters to earn maximum of
30 credits per year!
6 credits during Summer semester
12 credits during Fall semester
12 credits during Spring semester
How do I log into my student account?
Students will be assigned a user name and password. This will give access to student
email, Canvas learning management system and student portal. If a student is having
problems logging in, they can contact the IT Help Desk.
What happens if I withdraw from a CCP class at Terra State?
Withdrawing from a college course after the course has started may affect completion
of graduation requirements. You have two weeks (14 days) from the day the class starts
to withdraw with no cost to parent/student. After two weeks, the amount of financial
liability is determined by the date you withdraw from the class. The money owed is
paid to the high school.
What if I fail my class?
Failing a course may affect completion of graduation requirements. The failure becomes
a permanent part of your college record, which could impact future financial aid eligibility.
The cost of the class, books and fees may need to be paid to the high school. This
determination will be made by the high school. If the failing course is a prerequisite
to a future course, the failure will prevent enrollment into the future course.
What are the risks of CCP?
High school grade point average (GPA) will be negatively impacted by poor grades at
the college.
College GPA is permanent! If you perform poorly in a class, or classes, these cannot
be removed from your transcript. A low GPA may make it difficult for a student to
be accepted into some four year institutions.
You may be financially responsible for your tuition/books if you receive an “F” or
withdraw after the withdraw date.
What GPA do I need to have to take CCP classes?
Students are required to maintain a college cumulative of 2.0. Students who do not
meet this GPA may be placed on academic probation for one semester and dismissed from
the program after two consecutive semesters of a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0.
If a student is dismissed from the program, they may petition for re-admission after
sitting out for one semester.
Do I apply to CCP every year?
No, a student does not need to complete a full CCP application but the School Consent
Form must be updated each year.
When do I need to see my CCP Advisor?
Each semester to set up classes
If you want to add, change, or drop a class or if you have questions, concerns, or
need advice
If you fail your class or your GPA drops below a 2.0
Still have questions?
Contact us or stop by our office located in Roy Klay Hall in the Admissions office