Crystal Cleary

Assistant Professor, AccountingLiberal Arts and Business


  • Master of Human Resource Management - University of Mary
  • Bachelor of Management/Human Resource Management – Franklin University
  • Associate of Accounting – Terra Technical College

Professional organizations:

  • Council for Academic and Student Affairs
  • Humane Society of Ottawa County Board Member

What I enjoy most about working at Terra State:

There is a deliriously positive energy on a college campus upon which I thrive. I love teaching and helping students on their paths toward achieving their dreams.

Fun facts:

I am a member of the Oak Harbor Conservation Club where I target practice.
I love Rock ‘n Roll, Jazz, Funk, Rhythm and Blues.
I own two classic VW Beetles.
I lived in Columbus, OH for five years, Fargo, ND for eight years, and Minneapolis, MN for three years.
I met Charlie Daniels, Pete Yarrow, Ann Jillian, Eddie Raven, Joe Stampley and E. Gordon Gee.