Terra State Holds Fifth Annual Women’s Leadership Forum

2019 Women's Leadership Forum

Fremont, Ohio, March 6, 2019 - Education, mentorship and adapting were just of few of the prevailing themes at the Terra State Community College 2019 Women’s Leadership Forum held Wednesday, March 6.  One hundred seventy five women from area high schools, colleges and businesses attended the fifth annual event making it the largest in the short history of the Forum.

Ann Sergent, Terra State’s Interim Dean of Business, Humanities and Industrial Technologies, served as the Master of Ceremonies.  Her opening remarks told of how her mother was the biggest female influence in her life.  “My mom earned her teaching degree while raising three children and working,” recalls Sergent.  “She met my dad which added three more kids to the family.  She decided to go back to college while working full time and raising six kids. She also taught me to be a leader through three important lessons.  Perseverance, commitment and motivation.”  Following Sergent’s opening remarks, attendees had the opportunity to talk and discuss leadership with business leaders seated at their table during lunch.

The highlight of the Forum was the panel discussion that featured three women who have demonstrated what leadership is in their chosen fields.  Angie Harrison, Sales and Marketing Manager for Penske Logistics, Bethany Brown, Sandusky County Health Commissioner and Veronica Miller, Welding Faculty Instructor at Terra State, served.  Each panelist took the opportunity to talk about their thoughts on leadership and what advice they wish they had when they began their careers.  Brown said, “It’s ok not to know everything.  It’s ok to make mistakes.  I wish someone told me it was ok to make mistakes.”  Harrison added, “Anyone can be a leader, even in an entry level position.  You don’t have to have a title to be a leader.  I wish I understood that earlier in my career.”  Miller said, “I wish someone would have said that you can be a good leader and not always be perfect.”  The panel also fielded questions from the audience on motivation, leadership traits and balancing work and personal life.

Loren Taylor, a junior from Woodmore High School, was a first time attendee and said, “It was a great experience and a great way to gain advice for what I want to do with my future.  It will positively influence what I do with myself later in life.”  Another first time attendee, Anna Winger, a senior from Old Fort High School, added, “I feel that the Forum empowered me as a woman.”

The Sixth Annual Women’s Leadership Forum is scheduled for March 4, 2020.