Terra State Honors Seventh College President at Inauguration

Terra State Honors Seventh College President at Inauguration

Dr. Ronald Schumacher
Dr. Ronald M. Schumacher Jr., Terra State Community College’s seventh President, speaks after receiving the Presidential Medallion during his inauguration ceremony on March 22, 2019.

Dr. Ronald M. Schumacher Jr., the seventh President of Terra State Community College, was honored at his inauguration today. On November 5, 2018, the Terra State Community College Board of Trustees named Dr. Ronald Schumacher President. He had been serving as the Interim President for five months and, prior to that, was the College’s Senior Vice President and Executive Director of the Terra College Foundation.

Many of our community leaders are looking forward to working with Dr. Schumacher in future endeavors. “We are stronger together and can create more valuable opportunities for the students and business industry that we serve,” said Greg Edinger, Superintendent of Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Center. Fremont’s Mayor, Danny Sanchez, also looks forward to their partnership. “The ability of our leaders in this community to work with Terra in order to have a strong and skilled workforce is beneficial to all of us,” he said.

Dr. Lillian Schumacher, President Schumacher’s wife and President of Tiffin University, explained the journey the two of them have traveled to become college presidents. "It's very unusual that a married couple can become university and community college presidents without having to divide their lives miles—even states—apart. It is a blessing," she said.

Dr. Schumacher started his journey in higher education in 1992 as Tiffin University’s (TU) Assistant Football Coach. Since then, he has gained experience in a variety of roles, some including Vice President for Advancement and Public Affairs at TU, Vice President for Enrollment Management at University of Saint Francis and TU, and Director of Admissions at TU. His 29 years of experience in higher education has given him many ideas and perspectives that will help him reshape the College into a thriving educational institution.

After being mentored by a couple uniquely different college presidents, Dr. Schumacher discovered the variety of positions in higher education and felt the drive to lead an organization.

During his inaugural address, President Schumacher touched on his relation to Terra State’s students and his journey to into higher education. “As a first-generation college student you don’t always know a direct path to get to where you’re going,” he said. “Maybe, not always, one exists. So you’ve got to forge a new path and create your own path. That’s what I did.”

His faith in the College was evident in his speech: “I believe this college stands at the precipice of greatness and I will tell you three reasons why: our community, our programs, but most importantly our people. Our passion for what we do on a daily basis, our want and desire is to provide the best education to our students and sometimes to each other,” President Schumacher said. “We now have a new opportunity as we move forward. This position as president is only held for short period of time. I feel I am a steward for this college and my only desire is I leave this place better than when I found it.”

Dr. Schumacher stressed the importance to focus on our programs, to reinvigorate the things we do in the trades, to serve our industry leaders and to make sure our graduates are most desired when they leave Terra State.

He thanked all of his friends, family, presenters, community, as well as the faculty and staff at the College. “I really appreciate learning from you about Terra State and about the things we have to overcome,” he said. “I believe there’s nothing we can’t get done if we work together. I thank you for allowing me to stand here before you as your president and as your leader, but most importantly, standing right beside you as your friend moving this college forward to push and drive us to the next level of achievement for Terra State.”

President Schumacher encouraged students to find their passion and reminded them Terra State would be there to help push them in the right direction, wherever that may be. He gave them the message, “We do what we do on a daily basis because of you. We want you to succeed. We want to help you find that passion. Let’s find your direction and your pathway. If it doesn’t exist, let’s create it, but let’s figure it out together.”

One reminder Dr. Schumacher drove home was, "Our students are at the center of everything we do here. Let's not ever forget that.”