Kathryn Green named March Rotary Student of the Month

Kathryn Green

Terra State Community College marketing student Kathryn (Katie) Green has been named the College’s Fremont Rotary Student of the Month for March 2020. The Fremont Ross High School graduate chose Terra State because she always wanted to begin her journey in education on a smaller college campus. “I liked the idea of going into a smaller classroom and the professor knowing my name. Not having to pay an arm and a leg for a dorm is pretty nice too!”

Kathryn stays busy with her job in the Academic Service Center (ASC), serving on the Student Social Media Team and the Student Recognition Committee, volunteering at places like CampFire and the YMCA and working one to two other jobs.

Her nominator and the ASC Liaison Leilani Kiser enjoys having Kathryn around to help. “Katie has been employed in the Academic Service Center for the last two years and demonstrates great leadership, professionalism and customer service skills,” she said. “She always greets our customers with a smile on her face and is willing to help out whenever the occasion arises.”

Kathryn’s road to success wasn’t an easy one. One challenge she encountered was making the decision to take a semester off due to financial struggles. “During that time off, I was able to work and save money. Now, I can proudly say I’ve been able to pay for my education myself out-of-pocket and will graduate debt-free,” she said.

“I’ve overcome many different challenges, many of which are through my anxiety and depression disorders,” Kathryn explained. “There was time where I wanted to give up and throw in the towel, thinking to myself that I wasn’t smart enough for this, but with the love and support from my family and friends, I was able to pull through. Here I am getting ready to graduate this year!”

Leilani always had faith Kathryn would succeed. “Katie has taken total control of her academic success as well as her future endeavors,” she said. “It’s not a surprise to me to see her working two or three jobs all while carrying a full academic load.”

After Kathryn graduates this year, she plans to take the memories and skills she learned at Terra State and transfer her credits to Kent State University.