Chase Kerschner named April Rotary Student of the Month

Chase Kerschner - April Rotary Student of the Month
Chase Kerschner - April Rotary Student of the Month

Terra State Community College Chase Kerschner has been named the College’s Rotary Student of the Month for April.

Kerschner, from Ashland, Ohio, graduated from Ashland High School in May of 2020. At Ashland, Kerschner was recognized with many awards and honors. He received the chance to participate in many high-level music groups, such as Symphonic Band, A Capella Choir, Jazz Band A and Mansfield Symphony Orchestra. While participating in these groups, he also received four superior ratings for the French horn and voice and had the chance to play in several OMEA honors bands.

Now at Terra State, he is taking classes to earn his Music Technology and Recording Arts degree. Chase chose this degree because he has been fascinated by music and playing the piano ever since he was little. Throughout school, he joined just about every music program offered and decided to chase his dream once coming to Terra State.

“I chose Terra State because the classes provide hands-on learning and opportunities to learn from music professionals in the industry. When I first toured the College in 2020, I remember being in awe of the studio and all the equipment inside. I also liked how the professors built classes around subjects, such as film scoring and how to run a mixer to help students get a job in the industry by teaching them real-life skills. This influenced my decision and was a strong reason why I chose Terra State,” said Kerschner.

Aside from classes, Kerschner is very active in performing music at various events around the College and Fremont. At Terra State, he has performed with many of the community ensembles and attended their concerts. He also performed during many impromptu performances and rallies for the College. Around Fremont, he has performed concerts for many events, such as the Hayes Center Christmas Dinner Events and at the downtown Fremont Farmers’ Market. Kerschner also took on leadership roles for two committees while planning the Midwest Rhythm Summit event.

His nominator, Director of Music Arts and Technology Michael Czeczele, credits Kerschner for going above and beyond in and outside of the classroom to excel at Terra State. “I chose Kerschner because he always goes above and beyond what is expected. He has a solid work ethic and serves as a role model for other students. He is a pleasure to work with,” said Czeczele.

Chase looks very fondly at the time he spent at Terra State and is happy he has had so many great experiences. “Between the multiple rallies I attended and performed, the moments I shared participating in class and rehearsing with others, and the programs I joined and created at the dorms, I have plenty of good memories as well as experiences to take with me as I move towards my next step in life,” said Kerschner.

After graduation, Kerschner’s ultimate career goal is to live completely off of songwriting and composition, but he knows he still has a way to go before he is near his dream goal. Until then, he is currently planning to work as a studio intern to gain more knowledge about music recording and production, and possibly work a music sales job as well.