Melanie Rhoda Named January Rotary Student of the Month

Melanie Rhoda
Melanie Rhoda

Terra State Community College student Melanie Rhoda has been named the College’s Rotary Student of the Month for January. 


Rhoda lives in Port Clinton with her family, graduated from Port Clinton High School in 2017, and was active in Leadership Club and the marching band.


Rhoda chose Terra State because of the opportunities it had for her and its outstanding professors. She is an active member of the Health Information Technology Student Organization (HITSO), for which she is the treasurer. Rhoda is also assisting with planning the Spring Relay (5K) and Raffle Basket fundraiser.


Outside class, she works full time as a dog groomer for Shear Delight in Fremont. She also likes to spend time with her family and friends, workout at CrossFit, and volunteer at the Humane Society of Ottawa County.


Her nominator Amy Anway, Associate Professor, and HIT program coordinator, regards Rhoda as an excellent student who is willing to ask questions and seek clarification on topics. “I’ve watched Melanie grow personally and professionally in the HIT program. She has gained so much confidence over the last few semesters, and I have seen her start to come out of her shell. Melanie has learned to trust herself and her abilities as a student and professional. I have watched her grow from a quiet and unsure student to someone who now steps into leadership roles and helps others.”


“Some of the experiences I will take when I leave the College include personal growth and positivity. I have met amazing people along the way,” said Rhoda.


After her spring of 2023 graduation, Rhoda wants to get her RHIT certificate and possibly pursue her career in the medical field, doing coding and billing work while still maintaining her dog grooming career.